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vivienne westwood


vivienne westwood Empty vivienne westwood

帖子  huahua 周五 三月 25, 2011 8:31 am

Getting paid good money pandora for your movie reviews isn't about the way you write them or on what movies you write about. It's vivienne westwood about where you post them, it's about applying article marketing principles. Article marketing is a mixture of SEO movies 2011 (Search Enginge Optimization), simple internet marketing, and just plain resourcefulness. The idea is, your reviews will get indexed on Google for terms like "[Insert Movie Here] Review." So for example you write a review for Hellboy 2, and you apply the article marketing techniques, and you see some descent results. Your article "Hellboy 2 Review" gets indexed on the third spot, so when someone searches watch free movies for "Hellboy 2 review" your article is right in front of there eyes.

This article in this scenario, will probably earn about 250$/month until Hellboy 2 is no longer in theatres, once it hits DVD the article will make roughly 100$/month, and watch movies after that it will make about 40-50$/month.


帖子数 : 19
注册日期 : 11-03-17

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